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Perfect professional headshots

Worry-free, perfect headshots within 24 hours


Headshots are professional portraits that focus primarily on a person’s face, head and shoulders.

It typically captures the facial features, expressions and personality of you.

Headshots are commonly used in a variety of professional settings, such as company profiles, resumes, websites, social media, and marketing materials.

They aim to provide a clear and compelling representation of a person’s appearance and create a positive and professional impression.

And that is exactly what you can expect from us!



The best headshots we create in our studio.

Starting from

€ 179,-

incl. BTW

The 1st outfit is included in the price.

Each subsequent change of clothes is 75 Euros, including VAT.

All photos of every outfit that we photograph and receive our approval are professionally edited and delivered the same day.



Having multiple headshots with different expressions and outfits is important for several reasons:

Versatility: Different situations call for different expressions and outfits.

Multiple headshots give you the flexibility to use them in different contexts, such as a serious expression for a professional biography or a warm expression for customer interactions.

Authenticity and personality: Capturing different expressions and outfits adds depth and character, increasing recognizability and appeal.

Visual differentiation: Different expressions and outfits help you stand out visually, which increases recognizability, especially in larger organizations and in today’s job market.

Contextual relevance: Different expressions and outfits may be better suited to specific roles or industries, such as a friendly expression for customer interactions and a more serious expression for C-level functions.

Creative and engaging branding: Multiple headshots with different expressions and outfits contribute to a dynamic and vibrant brand identity, adding visual interest and diversity to marketing materials and social media.

In general, multiple headshots with different expressions strengthen your personal brand.



Please click on the question to read the answer.

First on this list of headshots tips concerns your clothing and outfit. It is a question that comes up most often.

We always ask people to bring different outfits (tops, blouses, shirts, etc.) to the photo session for a session. Together we decide in the studio which outfits we are going to use. On average, people take around 5 items of clothing with them.

During the headshots shoot, we photograph roughly from the shoulders up. If you are standing in front of the wardrobe and wondering what to take with you, bring the clothes that you feel best in! Pants and shoes are not in the photo, wear something that is comfortable, and you feel great in.

Also bring non-seasonal clothing. A top or T-shirt in winter and a jacket in summer. In general, we recommend leaving busy patterns or motifs in clothing at home, but remember:  We cannot photograph anything you do not bring with you.  If you are wondering whether something works in your headshots, please bring it with you!

De profielfoto tips kleding

When we are asked which colors work best, we do not immediately have a good answer. It’s much better to bring a lot of choice when it comes to colors so we can see and try what works best. We have been surprised more than once by colors that we thought would not work in the photo, but afterward they turned out to be the best photos.

As a guideline, we recommend that you at least bring something white, something grey(-ish), (dark) blue and something black as an outfit.

For men it is important that jackets and shirts fit well at the neck. If you want to bring T-shirts, below are some examples of T-shirts that work and those that don’t.

Profielfoto mannen

Nowadays there are shirts with a motif on the inside of the collar. We would advise against taking it with you unless the collar fits really well. The collars are quite eye-catching.

For women, there are slightly more options when it comes to necklines of clothing. The most common necklines can be found in the image below. I’ve marked the examples that don’t work in business portraits and headshots with an ‘X’ because they’re rarely actually flattering. The examples with a question mark can sometimes work and sometimes not. Feel free to bring them with you and we will try during the photo session to see if it works or not. The rest of the examples work perfectly. In any case, please bring different necklines (if you have them) so that we can provide the necessary variations in the photos.

Profielfoto vrouwen

Another important item in our headshots tips for women concerns makeup.

We photograph people as naturally as possible and makeup reacts to the light, so the quality of the headshots more or less goes hand in hand with the quality of the makeup.  Makeup is recommended for women in headshots if you normally wear makeup. If you’re not normally a makeup wearer, that’s no problem.

Our light is set in such a way that your face looks good no matter what. Afterward in Photoshop you can always put a little more emphasis on your ‘ facial features ‘.

Some foundations make you look a lot paler in photos than you actually are. The reason for this is due to the SPF that is in the foundation. The natural ingredients titanium dioxide and zinc oxide lie on the skin and reflect the light. Simply put, there is a thin layer on the skin that reflects the light used for photography. The higher the SPF value, the more this affects you.

The use of foundation for headshots

A synthetic SPF is absorbed by the skin and works better. We would therefore advise you to look at the ingredients in the foundation and avoid using a foundation that contains titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. Another guideline may be not to use foundations with a high SPF value of factor 30 or more for a photo session.

“Natural” glow for the headshots?

If you use concealer, make sure that it does not contain shine particles and powders that give you a ‘natural’ glow are often too strong when light falls on them in the photo studio. A matte foundation works best.

De Profielfoto Tips Make-up
De Profielfoto Tips Make-up

Less is more!

In any case, we always recommend applying the ‘less is more’ principle. Our light is so well tailored to the person that imperfections in the skin are much less noticeable and the retoucher can easily pick out the small things that are still in the photo. Getting rid of light spots caused by makeup is a lot more complicated.

A final tip for headshots makeup

If you feel more confident by using a product on your face, we would recommend applying a good SPF sunscreen in the morning, preferably with a synthetic filter, which penetrates into the skin and lasts for about half an hour. let it soak in. You can then use a matte foundation without SPF, or with a maximum factor of 15 for the best result.

Some recommended products:

Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Liquid Makeup Foundation

MAC Matchmaster foundation

Studio Sculpt SPF15 Foundation

Mascara on your eyelashes can do a lot to make your eyes shine extra, but we would really recommend that you use a good mascara that does not make your eyelashes stick together.

We find it hard to swallow when the photo is amazing, but all the eyelashes are stuck together, and they look like spider legs.

We can imagine that you want to appear in the studio looking your very best to take your headshots. The first thing people often think of is “going to the hairdresser”, but when do you do that? A haircut is a great idea for a headshot session. It is not wise to do this the day before the appointment.

A few things to keep in mind before having your headshots taken. A little trimming will make your hair look healthier. If you are considering a haircut, it is best to do so at least a week before your headshots appointment. Give yourself some time. Don’t reinvent the wheel either. Maybe this isn’t the best time to go all out.

In the summer, lines may appear because your skin has not yet been colored where there used to be hair. The hair also often falls differently immediately after a haircut, and the hair is not yet completely sure how it wants to be styled.

By giving yourself a week, the hair will look more natural in the headshots. If you have a new haircut, you have time to learn how your hair fits best and how you want to style it. And if by any chance you don’t like your hairstyle, you still have plenty of time to consult with me and possibly move your date forward a few weeks.

Hair on women in headshots

With regard to your hair, we expect you to wear it as you would during a job application or other important appointment. Your hairstyle is so personal that we ultimately want the hair to look exactly like you in the headshots. If you want to change your look in between, take your styling products with you to quickly change your hair.

Also make sure you bring an elastic band to tie your hair.

Hair for men in headshots

For men who have scruff before the photo session and would like to use it in some looks, we advise you to bring a shaver. If we have enough good headshots with a beard, you can shave in between to get some clean-shaven headshots too.

In summary, the most important hair tips for your headshots:

  • Go with a proven formula without dramatic changes

  • Come to the studio “hair ready”. Feel free to bring products or other attributes, but make sure your hair is almost ready.

  • In the summer months, color lines can appear on our hairline. Be aware of this before getting your hair cut.

  • Don’t wait until the last minute to plan your haircut.

Shaving and your headshots

Clean-shaven in your headshots? If you’re going to shave, do it right. We want to save our retoucher as many headaches as possible to remove loose hairs. We photograph in ultra-high resolution. So you really see everything. We know you can do it! Just take a little extra time to shave before your photo session.

If, like some of us, your beard grows faster than lightning, go ahead and bring your shaver or razor and shave in the studio.

There are those of us who can grow facial hair and those of us who cannot. These headshots will probably last you about two years. Be honest with yourself about your facial hair and make an appropriate decision.

Some men choose to photograph a few outfits with a beard and a few outfits without a beard. Halfway through the session, shaving can take place in the studio.

In summary:

  1. Spend some time on this shave. It’s probably the most important shave of the year.
  2. Treat your skin to some aftershave. It will help it heal and take some of the red out of your skin.
  3. Ask yourself if a beard is really something for you.
  4. An unshaven look is fine. For a longer session, you can always shave in between.
  5. You don’t have to shave your legs. We only shoot from the waist up. 😉

Jewelry can quickly become distracting. Especially if they are larger necklaces or earrings. That’s why we share this information about jewelry in your headshots. The most important purpose for your headshots is to give someone an impression of you as a person. According to my philosophy, that impression is mainly made by the expression in your face and the look in your eyes.

You radiate self-confidence through the look in your eyes. Kindness comes through your expression with your mouth.
Those are the two most important ingredients in headshots. We would only add a third variable after considering whether it adds to the image someone gets of you.

Jewelry and headshots

If you come to take your headshots with us, and you are someone who often wears jewelry, we often take photos with and without jewelry. That’s the best way to determine how much distraction a necklace or large earrings really causes. If you look at the photo and notice that your eye is drawn to the jewelry instead of your eyes and face, we would strongly consider not using that piece of jewelry in your headshots.

As a specialist in photographing headshots, we photograph you without any reflection in the glasses. 

You don’t have to worry about that at all.

If you occasionally wear glasses, take them with you. If you ever change glasses, take them all with you. 

Then, in the studio, during your headshot session, we can choose which glasses suit you best.

We often hear that someone ‘never looks good in a photo’. Sometimes people even find it exciting to be photographed.

Don’t worry too much in advance. You are in the hands of a professional. We photograph hundreds of people a year and know what it takes to take perfect headshots in a relaxed way.

We don’t worry in advance, and neither should you.

Headshots for businesses

The best headshots on location.

Reach out to get a quote!

profielfoto voor bedrijven