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A while ago the HeadshotCrew started with appointing Wingmen. A Wingman is a photographer who takes other photographes ‘under their wing’ and mentors them 1 on 1. I have been a Mentor for quite a while now in our HeadshotCrew community with over 7700 photographers worldwide and it really was a no-brainer to start as a Wingman to help people up their headshot game more privately. After a while I am currently the Wingman of 7 photographers and I really love helping them build their business and portfolio.


One of the so-called Wingee’s is Dennis Weissmantel. Dennis is a wedding- and portraitphotographer from Mainz, near Frankfurt. He’s been shooting for a while and has an awesome portfolio, but he felt he needed to expand his business into headshot photography. After he joined the HeadshotCrew for 3 months he could apply for a Wingman. I’m really honor he picked me. A couple of weeks ago I received a message from Dennis. He wanted to meet one night to talk shop face to face. He wanted to know how I run my business, how I build my sessions and rates and what my marketing efforts are to see what of my ideas and efforts he can implement into his own business.


I blocked my full night for Dennis and could answer all the questions he had. Anything from marketing to retouching. If somebody chooses you as your mentor you shouldn’t be holding back. Full photography disclosure. While sipping a couple of drinks we had a nice talk about all headshot and business related things and I explained how to take the best advantage of all the skills he already has and how to build on those with help of the HeadshotCrew. I usually have these conversations over Skype, but talking face-to-face definitely was a welcomed change which I really liked!


Dennis is currently shooting a photography series with men with beards. I have been walking around with some serious scruff on my face, A.K.A. The Majestic Beard as some of my colleagues call it. Dennis wanted to shoot me as part of his series, so photographer turned model for an hour. You’ll find some of the results below:



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