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20 minute branded corporate photography


While visiting the Morongo Casino, Spa & Resort in California for HEADSHOTMANIA, I got the opportunity to shoot the Executive Chef in the Drum Room.

20 minute photo shoot

Nenad agreed to take 20 minutes out of his busy schedule to get in front of my camera. Nenad manages over 200 professionals in the 5 different kitchens Morongo has and his has the end responsibility of everything food related. A huge job if you ask me and I was thankful that he let me photograph him in the middle of the day in one of the signature rooms at Morongo.

In those 20 minutes Nenad was absolutely amazing in front of the camera. He is used to be photographed as being the face of the culinary aspects of Morongo and he told me he gets photographed quite often for PR campaigns.

It’s all about the Jaw

That being said, I still had tricks up my sleeve he never heard of. I thought him to work his jawline more, as I’ve been taught in the ‘It’s all about the Jaw’ video. He loved it!


Putting smiles on faces

During HEADSHOTMANIA, Canon USA was the lead sponsor and brought a printer for the attendees to print their best work. I took the opportunity to print this shot. The next day, Nenad was in an executive meeting with the CEO of Morongo and all executive managers. I was welcomed to walk into the meeting to surprise him with a huge 17″ x 22″ print.

The look on the faces of all the executives and the CEO was priceless when I walked in with the print. In the end of the day, photography is about making people happy.. And that’s what i’ve done!

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