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The HeadshotCrew CrewPod with Maurice Jager

With over 14,000 people in over 130 countries all over the world the HeadshotCrew is the largest community of headshot and portrait photographers in the world.

I feel fortunate to be able to help these photographers from all over the world by teaching what I know and use to help elevate their photography and business.

The CrewPod

I’m featured in the 4th episode of the weekly HeadshotCrew CrewPod where I dropped my knowledge for photographers and anyone interested to listen to what I got to say about LinkedIn, my corporate process, social media in general and the power of the connection.

Episode description

Episode 4! This week I have Maurice Jager, he is the CMO of the Headshot Crew and has his brain full of knowledge on Social Media and SEO. It was awesome talking to him about stuff that we as photographers sometimes overlook or don’t take advantage of the right way. If you want to know more about Maurice and what he does, check him out over here:

Enjoy guys!

Listen here:

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